Selasa, 14 April 2015

Penempatan Kerja Seluruh Indonesia? So What?? Ikuti kata hatimu, mantaplah pada pilihanmu! #Ketika kita diremehkan meski mimpi kita adalah mimpi yang besar

Mungkin beberapa orang akan berpikir ulang ketika penempatan kerja kita adalah di seluruh Indonesia, apalagi bagi seorang cewek, anak bungsu, kondisi orang tua yang overprotektif, dan tetangga yang anak-anaknya bekerja di lokasi yang dekat, atau teman-teman lain yang prefer kerja di homeland daripada kerja jauh meski gaji besar (yah ada yang bilang begitu). Aku sendiri juga kalau disuruh memilih jadi karyawan biasa gaji kecil di Jogja (tempat tinggalku) atau jadi karyawan biasa gaji gede di luar kota (seluruh Indonesia) ya jelas prefer kerja di Jogja. Loh? Jadi maksut tulisan loe apa?? Bentar dong, maksudku nulis di sini atau poin yang kutekankan di sini adalah dalam mencari kerja ada dua hal utama yang kupikirkan. Apa? Gaji? Lokasi kerja? Bukan! Tapi posisi dan jenjang karir! Yup, dua hal itulah yang utama. Setelah aku melepaskan impianku untuk melanjutkan S2 di luar (bukan luar rumah loh ya), aku mulai mantap untuk menapaki karir baru, dan karir yang ingin kujejaki adalah karir dalam bidang manajerial yang programnya sering disebut Management Traine atau Management Development Program atau Officer Development Program (kalau di bank). Dan setelah kurang lebih 3 bulan masa-masa penuh tes seleksi (masa nganggurku yang bulan2 sebelumnya gak usah disebutinlah ya, masih selow soalnya haha), akhirnya aku nyantol dalam salah satu program Management Trainee di salah satu perusahaan retail (detailnya perusahaan apa tunggu di post selanjutnya :D). Jadi apakah aku senang dan mantap meski penempatannya seluruh Indonesia? Iya dong!! Tapi bagaimana dengan orang-orang di sekitarmu? That’s the main problem! Orang tuaku terutama ibuku, bisa dibilang rela rela nggak rela (banyakan nggak relanya, sering nangis nerocos bahkan sebelum aku pergi aja nerocos, giman kalo besok udah pergi beneran coba?). Ibuku pengennya aku kerja di Jogja aja, jadi apapun itu pokoknya di Jogja (haduh please deh, aku kan punya mimpi dan ambisi). Ada pula orang yang berpikir : Ngapain jauh-jauh kerja? Pengen gaji doang? Di Jogja juga kita bisa dapet gaji segitu. Yah mungkin ada yang berpikiran begitu. Ya kalau orientasinya cuma gaji dan lokasi penempatan ya mungkin akan begitu, tapi balik ke poin awal, targetku adalah menapaki karir dalam bidang manajerial, bukan sebagai staff biasa! harus ditekankan loh ya bukan sebagai staff biasa! Karena harus kuakui, aku adalah orang yang ambisius, aku selalu ingin jadi yang terbaik, bahkan diantara teman-temanku sendiri baik ketika SD, SMP, SMA, sampai kuliah. Agak nyombong dikit lah ya, SD aku sering juara 1, SMP selalu juara umum, SMA agak down sih tapi masih 10 besar dan menang di beberapa lomba, kuliah : yah dapet predikat wisudawan terbaik lah ya meski cuma terbaik kedua :p. Karena dari kecil bisa dibilang agak menonjol (anggap saja begitu), jadi mentalku selalu pengen jadi yang terbaik, pengen jadi orang besar, dan punya mimpi yang besar pula. Oleh karena itulah selama kuliah aku punya mimpi lanjut kuliah S2 keluar, atau kalau nggak ya ngejar karir tapi bukan karir biasa. Dan di sinilah aku sekarang, seseorang yang sedang mencoba menapaki karir baru dan amat sangat paham bahwa tekanan dalam dunia management trainee akan sangat besar, kemungkinan di cut di tengah jalan juga sangat besar, tapi inilah keinginanku, inilah targetku, dengan mengandalkan usaha dan doa, semoga karir ke depanku lancar dan selalu diberkati. Amiiin. God Bless J.

Sabtu, 17 Januari 2015


Today is very special for me, for others it is not but for me absolutely yes. But, think about that, it’s right this is a special day, but there’s nothing special. What do I mean? Hmm it is because there’s nothing special event  for me! Haha. Yeah cause I don’t have someone special hahaha. Single? Yes! But it’s not a big deal, I have my family who always remember my birthday, and also my friend (just some of my friend) who said HBD for me, wish me all the best,  and I think it’s enough. There’s no reason to feel sad, I have to be happy. Why?  Cause happiness comes from yourself. You don’t have money? You don’t have a nice job? You don’t have a boyfriend? You think that you are an unluckiest person in this world? NOO!!! You’re WRONG!!! You have to be grateful, you’re healthy, you still have family, you have your friend next to you. Just need to be grateful everyday, yeah I know there are some people you know or there are some of your friend who have better life than you, they have better luck, they have better job, etc, but if you're jealous with them, then what will you get? You will only feel stress everyday, you will just feel that your life is useless, you will feel sad. Is that what you want? Of course not. So, say thanks to God, thanks for everything you have now. You want to success? Then change your life! Try hard for everything you want, keep praying, keep practicing, keep learning, keep focus. You know? Your effort, someday, will make you success like you want now.

Jumat, 16 Januari 2015

Little Action, Make a Big Contribution, Save Our Earth!

Note: This is late post, I write this about 6 months ago, hope you enjoy it! ^_^
As a citizen of earth we have a big role to save our earth from the destruction of human being. Illegal logging, electricity using, car using, caused global warming that may kill our future generation. No one would happy if their grandchilds live uncomfortably right? Therefore we as young generation who live in earth nowadays should give some contributions that we can do. What are they? There are some actions that we can do for now and in the future and how can we make people doing what we can do.
I am now in my last semester at Regional Development Study Program, Faculty of Geography, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia. I learn about rural and urban development that also related to how we can create a sustainable development. As a student that study at regional development program, my role now are to study more about how to create sustainable development in the world and to make some action plans related to sustainable development. My action plan is giving information to the others about how to save our earth by doing simple things but can give the big impact to the sustainability of our earth like reduce, reuse, recycle and replant, the other action plan is giving information about  how to create sustainable development through presentation or video.
During my study, I have implemented my action plans about saving our earth to people in my campus and also in my course. In some subject, I made a presentation about how to save the earth by doing simple things like reduce, reuse, recycle and replant, I also made a presentation about how to create a sustainable city during my class in my course. In one of my subject, urban management, I also have implemented some action plans with my college based on my lecturer instruction in one of a sustainable city in my town that called Gadjah Wong Green Town. There, we made a video about education for sustainable development and share it to the other. I’m glad to say that our work that time given 2 reward by the rektor of Gadjah Mada University for the best education for sustainable development video. By doing those kinds of action plans, I hope I can influence people around me to do the same thing in order to save the earth, at least I believe that they will also take some actions in reduce, reuse, recycle or replant.  Maybe for some people my action plans are just nothing, but I think by doing those kind of little actions I belive that it also can give contribution to the earth.
In the future, I will take more action in order to save the earth. I will become a planner who concern about the sustainable development concept that includes sustainable economically, sustainable socially, sustainable politically, and especially sustainable environmentally. Those are needed to create a liveable city/region to work, to live or even to play but still concern about the environment sustainability. I believe that I can give a contribution to save our earth. But we must realize the truth that to create the sustainable development is not easy, we need the contribution of every stakeholder and also every people in the world.  We live in the earth together, so as the citizen of earth not only some part of people who have the responsibility to save the earth. Everyone in the world has the same role, that is to save our future generation life. Therefore, by doing some litle actions I hope I can give the big contribution to save the earth where we live now and where our future generation live tommorow.


Hello everybody whoever read my blog, yeah this is the first time I will tell you about something inside my mind, hmm maybe you can say just like a short diary. What is it? Haha you’ll know later. Ooops sorry, I forgot that I have type it (the title) before, haha. Why I’m using English? Yeah just try to practice what I learnt of course.  Okay, back to the topic : Positive thinking? I’m sure you know about that. Yeah, maybe I’m not “Mario Teguh” who will persuade you and give you strength with my words,  like I say I will just share what I thought in my mind. Just so you know, I’m now is not in a good situation. I just graduated from college and now still trying to get a job, yeah still don’t get it yet but of course trying hard to get it and I believe God will help me and I will get it later *whatever. What make me feel like a loser is because one by one my friend (in my college) get their job, some of them become civil servant, and some of them get their job. It is quite enough to make me shiver, cause in my deep heart (halah) I want to make my parent proud of me, proud of my job, but the reality show me that it was not as easy as you thought before. But, give me a moment, hmm I think I will correct the sentence “I’m not in a good situation”. Why? Because it related to the title of this article “Positive Thinking”, if I think of it positively it is not a good sentence. So, the good sentence maybe “I’m now is on my way to get  my dream”, sounds good right? Yup, it is one of the way to make us think about our life positively. Why is it so important? Because our life is to valuable to spent  hopelessly. I know there is many people who often fail to get what they want, just like me now or maybe they fail in an exam, contest, etc. I know that feeling, I know that our way is not easy. So I just want to say “C’mon, Don’t give up!!!!, Cheer up!!!!, Just keep focus!!!! Don’t lose your hope!!!!”. Keep those words in your mind, don’t think that your failure is the end. To think it positively, just say that your failure is one of the way to get your real dream. Until now I’m trying it, and the result is I don’t feel sad of my life, I’m living happily. What I think now is how to make me become more valuable person. I will not spend my time uselessly, I will learn more, learn everything, keep running. I have to confident, Why? I have a good GPA, I learn many things in some organizations I joined, I have some skills that others didn’t have, so I have to believed in myself that I have the ability to do something big, and I am suitable enough to get my dream job. By the way, what is my dream job? Hmm maybe later I will tell you. So, for someone who has the same situation, I will give you a courage from this post, hope that you will think positively like me, and later you will get what you want. “Don’t worry, be happy, God will always beside you! ^_^

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014


Setiap kau menangis ibu
Aku juga menangis
Setiap luka yang kau alami
Aku juga ikut terluka
Beban yang kau tanggung
Aku tahu seberapa besar itu
Namun kau mampu bertahan
Kau sangat kuat, bijaksana dan pengampun
Beberapa kali kau disakiti
Kau berikan maaf
Yang bahkan aku pun tak sanggup memberinya
Setiap malam kau lepaskan semua bebanmu
Aku hanya mampu mendengar
Menahan tangisku, berusaha ku tegar di hadapanmu
Ketika ku sendiri, ketika tak ada yang tahu
Aku mulai menangis
Dan hanya mampu mengadu pada Tuhan
Aku memang tak sekuat ibu
Aku memang tak sepemaaf ibu
Tapi dari ibu aku belajar
Agar kelak di kehidupanku mendatang
Aku bisa sepertimu ibu

Ibu, kau inspirasi hidupku, sumber kekuatanku

Kamis, 27 Maret 2014

I wrote this essay to join Goipeace essay competition last year,unfortunately I didn't success but I still want to share it to you :)


     I am an Indonesian and was born in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Province (we always say it as Yogyakarta),  21 years ago. I live in a town that still keep its original culture. As you know, Indonesia is a country that has many kinds of cultures because there are  many ethnic groups in Indonesia and each of them has its own culture.  My ethnic group is Javanesse (because I live in Java Island).

      One of the culture of my hometown I’m very proud of is the level of language that in Java called Unggah-Ungguh Basa Jawa (Javanese speech level).  In Java, especially in Yogyakarta generally there are 2 levels of language in speaking with others. The first level called Basa Krama (Krama Speech), it is a speech for making a conversation with others who older than us, such as our parents, our grandmother/grandfather, our teacher, etc. It can be divided into two, basa krama alus (the highest speech level in Java) and basa krama lugu (The second highest speech in Java). The second level of speech in Java called Basa Ngoko (Ngoko Speech). It is a language/speech for making a conversation with our  friends or person who younger than us. It also can be divided into two, those are Ngoko Alus ( A non formal speech but not the lower level) and Ngoko Lugu ( A non formal speech and the lowest level of speech in Java).

    Usually people from other region (out of Java) don’t have a level of speech, they only have one language/speech to others, wether it is for older people or for younger people. Maybe it doesn’t give any problem to them because it is the way they talk in their daily life. But if they live in Java it can be a big problem, for example if young people talking with older people using Ngoko Speech (the lowest level of speech in Java), the older people may become angry with them because it means that the young people don’t respect him. Yeah, maybe other people (especially out of Java) think that our way of speak is too complicated but I’m very proud of it.

     Why can this culture make a better future for us? Because this kind of culture give us a lesson that our way of speech is determining our respect to others. One of the way to communicate with others is through the language/way of speech. The good way in talking to others show them that we want to make a good relation with them. Everyone want to be appreciated or at least to be well treated by others. Remember that we have to be careful in talking to others, because usually if we don’t keep our words carefully, sometimes it can hurts the other’s feeling without our knowing. So our way in speaking especially in the community has to be limited with some criterion as we usually call it a tradition. The community with strong character will only be realized if the individuals in the community has a good  tradition, good tempered and well behaviour. In this context the Java Language is one of a tool to bulid a good character and moral education for people especially the young people. Java language will be one of the rides in growing our national identity and character. Javanese speech level is an example of culture to show our respect to others in order to build a good relation between people in all place of the world and create a better future for all.

Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

About Multiculturalism in The World (Just in my Opinion)

There are various types of cultures in the world with many different human races. Every country absolutely has its own culture that different one another. That different types of culture often cause a misunderstanding when people from one country meet people from other country. As we know today, in this world there are some conflicts between two country or more that happen because of some differences in their culture, ethnic, or religion. So as a young generation who cares about the future, I have a desire to make a peaceful world. There’s no war and there’s no conflic among all of the country in this world. The reason why I have the vision to reconcile the world is because I also have the same problem in my country. I live in Indonesia, a country that has many different cultures, ethnic groups and religions. Sometimes there are conflicts between people with different culture, ethnic or religion. Although we live in the same country, but the difference of culture/ethnic/religion often causes the conflict. To be honest, I very don’t like conflict . I strongly support the motto of my country that say “Walaupun berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu jua” (in english : although we are different but we are all still one). So what we can do as a young generation is to learn about multiculturalism in the world, so that we understand their thought about what people think is right or what people think is wrong. After that I think young generation can respect the culture of another country, and in the end we can prevent the conflicts that are usually caused by the difference culture, ethnic or religion. I hope it is not only a dream but it will come true.