Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Essay Cause-effect

 Sample text essay cause-effect from me :) :
Indonesia is a developing country. One of the big problem in a developing country is the high population growth. Based on the 2010 population census, Indonesia has a polulation of 237 million people, which is projected to reach 280 million people in 2030. The high population growth in Indonesia can give 3 effects such as lack of employment, insufficient of food, and lack of health facilitiy.
First, the high population growth causes lack of employment in many area in Indonesia. There are too many people who need a job, but there are no job vacancy. The number of industries or companies that need employees are less than the number of people who need a job. So there are many unemployed people in many places  in Indonesia.
            Second, the high population growth causes insufficient of food especially rice. Productivity of rice in Indonesia can’t meet people needs. There are many agricultural lands that turns into settlements. Many people build house, mall, or office on a rice field. So, it can decreases productivity of rice, and it causes insufficient of food in many places in Indonesia.
            Third, the high population growth causes lack of health facility in many places. There are too many people that need health facility, but in some place there are no fund to build a health facility. In many places, health facility development is not the first priority. The first priority is build a market or build an industry to meet their basic need of food. So, the number of health facilities such as hospitals and clinics are less than human health needs.
            The effects of  high population growth in Indonesia are lack of employment, insufficient of food, and lack of health facilities. The direct effect of high population growth to people in Indonesia is insufficient of food especially rice, because of the transformation of agriculture lands into settlements.
 #maybe there are still many mistakes, but I've tried..

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